Wanipigow Sand Extraction Project. Darla represents Canadian Premium Sand Inc. Working collaboratively with all local First Nations and Metis Communities, we designed economic participation agreements that respect the local laws, constitutional rights, and taxation rights for those potentially impacted by this new $500 million resource development commercial project, to be built in Seymourville, Manitoba. This Project also involved guiding Indigenous and non-Indigenous parties through provincial, federal, and local community regulatory oversight processes including permitting, licensing and zoning, and planning compliance matters.
Building of Freedom Road (Manitoba-Ontario). Darla acts for Shoal Lake No. 40 First Nation and its development corporation, Kekekoziibii Development Corporation. We advised on business structuring, taxation, and governance matters for the building of Freedom Road; and negotiated the funding agreements with Canada, Manitoba, and the City of Winnipeg, and joint venture agreements with non-Indigenous parties, related to this $40 million road and bridge construction project.
Twinning the Highway #1 – Ontario side. Darla acts for Niiwin Wendaanimok Construction LP, owned by four First Nations in Ontario. We assisted in business structuring and negotiating constitutionally and contractually protected interests of our clients, including a 30% set aside for all labour and equipment contracts for the twinning of Highway #1,
as part of any RFP issued by Ontario on this Project.
Paskwayak Business Development Corporation (PBDC). Darla acts for Opaskwayak Cree Nation and its economic development corporation, PBDC, affiliated corporations and limited partnerships. This involves a portfolio of $100M of commercial operations and resource development activities, including: Paskwayak Sand & Gravel LP, Paskwayak Construction LP, Otineka Mall, and Kikiwak Inn. Most recently, we acted for PBDC on the financing and building of a $18M 69-unit apartment complex across from the University of Winnipeg.
Waywayseecappo First Nation. Darla recently drafted the $287M settlement agreement and trust agreement for one
of the largest specific claim settlement awards in Canada to date.