Privacy and Access to Information

0 Sub-Practices

3 Lawyers

Privacy and Data Protection for your Business

Your Pitblado Law lawyer knows privacy by design. That means we will help you be proactive and put systems in place to reduce your risk of being in breach of Canada’s privacy laws. How you collect data, how you enter into business relationships, how you structure legal agreements, policies and contracts—all of these have privacy implications that should be considered carefully to avoid distracting and expensive data security incidents and other challenges later on.

Pitblado Law can also help you in the event that you do have a privacy breach on your hands. We can help you report a breach, respond to a breach, and avoid future incidents. We will connect you with insurance and information technology experts, and we will quarterback this team to help arrive at the best possible outcome for you.

Access to information laws are used in a variety of ways, by a variety of people. We assist businesses and government organizations by providing guidance about what records ought to be released (and why), what can be withheld from disclosure, and communication with access requestors, public bodies and privacy regulators. Access requests can also be used strategically, to gain intel related to public procurement processes and related matters.  We can help with that, too.

Pitblado is represented at the Canadian Bar Association table on the national Privacy and Access Section, putting our firm in a position to debate and shape practice in this increasingly complex area of law. As a result, we are frequently called upon as speakers and as resources for other members of the legal profession, and when the media are looking for comment on privacy issues.

We are also pleased to work with companies from the United States and elsewhere looking to conduct business anywhere in Canada. We will help you understand our data protection laws and how they will apply to your activities, whether in the context of an RFP, structuring a service arrangement, or otherwise.

Contact us for advice and answers regarding Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation, the Privacy Act, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and all other issues relating to privacy, access to information, data collection and storage, and more.



3 Lawyers in Privacy and Access to Information